this week’s Thought (singular)
kind of incredible how i can take a walk and feel better, like it’s that easy
i have discovered how to drink more water. that is not to say that i have started drinking more water - regular implementation will hopefully follow in the coming weeks. it’s just that now, i know. the secret lies in portioning.
i keep a little steel tumbler in my room, next to my perpetually full water bottle. i fill said tumbler with water from said bottle. i drink said water.
that’s it. here’s my theory about why it works.
one litre of water → daunting, lofty goal, bottle is heavy and hands are tired
tiny tumbler → light, refreshing quantity, instant gratification at seeing the bottom
i know there’s something deeper here, something about the wisdom of baby steps and the gentle strength of taking it one day at a time, of focusing on what is controllable and subverting mind blocks and internalised limitations by doing what works; but that’s a lot of words, and once in a while, i should refrain from psychoanalysis, no?
drink water 🔪
English Recitation Competition
Do not make Grief your God, Mahogany L. Browne
On the third day pull yourself out of bed wake with a start Can you feel death’s bone milk? Good. This means you are among the living Good. This means your heart is yours
Come on, Sweetheart, let's go dancing while we still have feet.
Thoughts on Getting Out of a Nice Warm Bed in an Ice Cold House to go to the Bathroom at 3am, Judith Viorst [in its entirety]
Maybe life was better When I used to be a wetter.
Middle School Book Review
Wild and Wicked Things by Francesca May
there’s history, there’s magic, there’s mystery, there’s action, there’s romance, there’s death - incredibly written, and one of my favourite witchy novels.
The Good Side of the Internet
I’m amazed at our human capacity to adapt to the unbearable. Almost anything can seem normal if it’s inflicted on us long enough.
The Woes of Being Addicted to Streaming
After a decade under the influence of music algorithms, a look at what streaming services afford the most engaged fans and what lingers below the surface.
The Case for Taking Naps (Even at Work) (illustration!)
this week’s Song
thank you for reading, and see you next week <3