this week’s Thought (singular)
why do we struggle to find time to do the things we love, instead of making time for them? do we not owe ourselves that much?
i have been thinking about aging.
childhood allows for a kind of invulnerability from feeling the brunt of truly tragic events. when my grandmother passed last august, it hit me that i had become too old to escape from grief. i could no longer evade its clawing grip. i had grown too much to find a spot where i’d be properly hidden from it. it made me sad and prickly and self-aware. i hated that i could comprehend that loss. i wanted to be young enough to run, but i had no choice but to confront.
i’m at a stage in my life that involves life-changing decisions and future planning. it’s all too serious and important and stuffy, and is this what they call growing up? suddenly having to be responsible for yourself, and starting to worry about your parents? wondering when you’re going to see your friends that you miss terribly, and spending too much time musing about how you should have acted out more when the consequences were negligible?
i still feel like a fourteen year old, and sometimes i wish i could still be treated like a fourteen year old. my god, how have people been doing this for centuries? how has generation after generation gone through the process of aging, and how am i supposed to go through the process of aging?
English Recitation Competition
The tide, sleeping on the chest of the sun, dreaming of the moon. The tide, blue and black, green and purple, dressed in the sun and undressed in the moon, spark of noon and heaving breath of night. The tide at night, murmur of bare feet on the sand. The tide, at dawn, opens the eyelids of the day. The tide breathes in the deep night and, sleeping, speaks in dreams.
You are you even before you grow into understanding you are not anyone, worthless, not worth you. Even as your own weight insists you are here, fighting off the weight of nonexistence.
You must resist the temptation to be right. Right is boring. Right is stagnant. Right is Indoctrination. Be on the wrong or in other Words, on the left side of the present. You Are exactly where you are supposed to be And even if you aren't, there is no way of Knowing where you should have been?
Middle School Book Review
The Priory of the Orange Tree by Samantha Shannon
it’s fantasy/fiction, has dragons and swords, and a supremely well fleshed out slow-burn romance. i bought a physical copy for 800 rupees after reading it online and loving it so much. what else is there to say?
The Good Side of the Internet
Lists of Note - The Anti-Flirt Club
In the early 1920s, having been subjected to an unending stream of harassment from members of the opposite sex, a group of women in Washington, D. C. decided to form the Anti-Flirt Club, an organisation “composed of young women and girls who have been embarrassed by men in automobiles and on street corners”, its aim being to protect such ladies from any further discomfort. The club’s first meeting took place on 27th February 1923, during which it was decided that the first—and, it seems, only—Anti-Flirt Week would begin a week later, on 4th March. As with all good clubs, a list of rules was issued to its members.
A personal compilation of good sensory things in life.
this week’s Song
Songbird by Nitin and Saroj Sawhney
thank you for reading, and see you next week <3